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What it takes to turn Thursday's into forever.

The creative process is a hell of a thing.

To really go into detail on this would take way too long and bore most readers of this blog so we're shying away from the nitty-gritty and instead have decided to write a brief explanation of the process that we've learned to work with over the last three years or so.

Each one of use has the ability to record ideas at home or on the move and we use this to capture anything that tickles our fancy from a beat on a steering wheel recorded on a phone to a bass or guitar riff or melody recorded at home.

These ideas are then shared with the rest of the band via a number of different file sharing services and eventually make their way into our Thursday night writing and rehearsal sessions.

Once an idea has been committed to the 'Work In Progress' phase, we'll jam around the initial idea and develop some movement within that idea and start to think about where that movement should lead. Is it an intro, a verse, a chorus or something else?

then it's a case of choosing whether to work on changing to a new piece from the jams or to find a segue that will allow us to move to an existing piece that we've been working on.

This whole process can take hours or months depending on the complexity of the idea and is often driven by the lyrical content or the 'feel' of the music.

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